Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter- keep fresh, local, organic produce on your table throughout the seasons.

Continued in 2025: Online Market Share $250/$400/$600 options

A flexible option for you to order from the online store all season long, May-December

Still available: Traditional CSA Shares

No effort or responsibility for ordering on your end.  Just pick up your box on Thursday afternoon!

Enjoy 18 Weeks of Fresh Produce

Deliveries begin in Mid-June and go through Mid-October. There will be recipes and storage tips every week to help you utilize all of the produce. There will be a newsletter every week with photos and stories about what is happening on the farm.

Main Season Standard Share

18 weekly boxes. On average feeds a family of four who like to cook at home. $800 ($44/week)

Main Season Every-Other-Week Share

9 bi-weekly boxes. A great option for the smaller household or folks who spend less time in the kitchen. $450 ($50/week)

For the Greens Lover!

Enjoy early crops from the hoophouse in the month of May: lettuce, salad, greens mix, spinach, radishes, turnips, bok choi, microgreens, scallions, rhubarb and more!

There will be recipes and storage tips every week to help you utilize all of the produce.

Spring Standard Share

4 weekly boxes in May,  $175

Spring Every-Other-Week Share

2 bi-weekly boxes in May,  $90

Keep local food on your table through the holiday season

These boxes are full of wonderful storage vegetables: potatoes, onions, carrots, cabbage, celeriac, beets, turnips, winter squash, sweet potatoes, winter radish, parsnips, popcorn, leeks and also fresh salad greens harvested out of the hoop house. Expect most of the fresh greens in November and a larger selection of root crops in December.

Winter Share

4 Bi-weekly deliveries in November and December. $220

A flexible, customizable CSA option

***Continued in 2025:  Online Market Share $250/$400/$600***

Get a 5% discount on the online store.  You pay $250, $400 or $600, and I send you a coupon code for store credit of $260, $420 or $630.  You get more choice and flexbility and I still get the upfront commitment that is so important to the success of Orange Cat Community Farm. You can purchase additional credit if you run out mid-season.

Use your credit anytime you please from May through December. I will open the online store every week of the delivery season.  That should be 26 weeks: May 8th-29th, June 19th-October 16th, Nov 6th & 20th and Dec 4th & 18th.

You will have the option to order the veggies that you want, when you want them! I will make available all the vegetables that are ready that week, but know that there is no guarantee that items won’t go out of stock or not make it onto the store because of a small harvest.

Anybody can still place an order on the online store without pre-purchasing the online market share.

Credit must be used by the last sale in December. No refunds on unused credit.

Get Your Hands Dirty

Exchange labor for vegetables by doing a worker share at Orange Cat Community Farm. Take a look at these details and give me a call if you are interested.

  • Work one 4-hour shift per CSA box received (18 shifts for standard share, 9 shifts for every-other-week share)
  • Available shifts are 8am-noon M, W, R, F, and 1-5pm Wed (no evening or weekend shifts available); In 2025 I’m also looking for a worker share who can put in extra time in the busy month of May and also someone who could do the delivery on Thursday afternoons. 
  • Once you commit to a shift, you work that shift every week for the entire 18 week season. If you are working for an every-other-week box, we find 9 consecutive weeks within the season for you to join the crew.
  • We work in all weather conditions- hot, cold, rainy, snowy. Come prepared with appropriate attire.
  • Missed shifts should be rescheduled for another week or for a different day of the week instead of canceling your box for the week.
  • Worker shares will be doing a wide variety of work, much of which is physically demanding. Worker shares need to be able to repeatedly lift 35lbs.
  • Being a worker share is a real commitment- more like a job, less like a volunteer opportunity. Please arrive on time and prepared to work.
  • Sorry, children are not allowed to accompany their parents on a worker share shift, but I would love it if they came out to a farm event.

What to Expect in Your Box

The farm grows over 35 different kinds of vegetables for the main season. You will receive plenty of familiar standards accented by less common vegetables that maybe you have never tried before. That’s part of the fun! The kinds of vegetables you receive changes over the course of the season. The first boxes are a little smaller with many cool season greens, while late summer brings much more bounty and diversity.

What We’re Planting for the Main Season

  • Beans
  • Beets
  • Bok choy
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Celeriac
  • Celery
  • Chard
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Chinese cabbage
  • Cilantro
  • Cucumber
  • Dill
  • Eggplant
  • Fennel
  • Garlic
  • Kale
  • Kohlrabi
  • Leeks
  • Lettuce
  • Watermelon
  • Onions
  • Peas
  • Peppers
  • Potatoes
  • Pumpkin
  • Radish
  • Salad mix
  • Scallions
  • Spinach
  • Summer squash
  • Sweet Corn
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Winter squash
  • Tomatoes
  • Turnip

What is a CSA?

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. It is a way to connect the consumer directly to the farmer who grows their food. Members purchase a share in the farm in exchange for weekly or bi-weekly boxes of produce. But it’s much more than just that. It is an opportunity to support a local farmer, be introduced to new foods, get in touch with your environment by eating with the seasons, and create community with others who are sharing the same experience. By joining a CSA you get something that many others don’t- you know where your food comes from and how it was produced. It just tastes better that way.

Financial Assistance

Partner Shares is a cost-sharing program administered through the FairShare CSA Coalition. It provides financial assistance to households in need for purchasing CSA shares.

If you would like to make a donation to the Partner Shares Fund, please check the box on your Orange Cat Community Farm sign-up form and include a check with your CSA payment.  Your contributions directly impact local, Sauk County residents. 13 Orange Cat CSA families utilized the program in 2022.

Health Insurance Rebate Program Several local health insurers have wellness incentive programs that reward you for signing up for a CSA. GHC SCW and Quartz will provide a rebate or points for making the healthy choice to eat more vegetables.

Here’s How It Works

  • Choose a share option/s
  • Choose a pick-up site
  • Fill out the online sign-up form
  • Mail your check payment- lump sum or four installments
  • Or pay with your credit card through the online store
  • Pick up your box of veggies on Thursday afternoons beginning in June
  • Enjoy!


Orange Cat Community Farm has 10 convenient pick-up locations.
Delivery is always Thursday afternoon.

Orange Cat Community Farm

The Farm

S1280B Cherry Lane
Located just off of Hwy H, between Reedsburg
and Wisconsin Dells.

Pick-up Time
Thursday, 4pm-7pm



15 Barbara Ann Dr.
Reedsburg, WI

Pick-up Time
Thursday, 4pm-7pm


employee’s only

Pick-up Time
Thursday, 3pm-close


Hartje’s Travel Center

S1428A Hwy 33
LaValle, WI

Pick-up Time
Thursday, 4pm-7pm



221 8th Street
Baraboo, WI

Pick-up Time
Thursday, 3pm-7pm


702 8th Ave.
Baraboo, WI

Pick-up Time
Thursday, 3pm-7pm

Wisconsin Dells & Lake Delton

Wisconsin Dells

722 Wisconsin Ave.
Wisconsin Dells, WI

Pick-up Time
Thursday, 4pm-7pm

Dells Watersports

255 Wisconsin Dells Parkway South
Lake Delton, WI

Pick-up Time
Thursday, 2:30pm-5:30pm



Schneiter Residence
2440 Red Pine Ct
Portage, WI

Pick-up Time
Thursday, 4pm-7pm

Prairie du Sac

Prairie du Sac

705 Forest Glen Cir
Prairie du Sac , WI

Pick-up Time
Thursday, 4pm-7pm