I’ve also been meaning to make and freeze some loaves of zucchini bread. I’ll put that on my Sunday
cooking list as well. I am super bad at eating a good breakfast and having a loaf on the counter will be a
nice quick way to get some food in my belly before work.
Boiled sweet corn, roasted green beans and a pork chop make for a quick after-work dinner.
When I’m tired of eating the quiche for lunch, I’ll do a quick saute of eggplant, onion, summer squash and tomato over rice with some Parmesan cheese. Nothing fancy but the simple flavors of the veggies
will really shine.
For another evening meal I will roast the carrots in the oven- maybe throw them in at five and let them
cook while I do some evening chores and take a shower–and then toss them with the salad mix, blue cheese, nuts and a mustard vinaigrette. My favorite combination.