Just trim them and eat them raw! Add them to your salad or garnish any dish with them. They add a lovely, fresh pea flavor. Fun to just snack on,…
Of course side salads are a no-brainer. Make a nice dressing, chop up a couple radishes and scallions, toss in some microgreens- perfection. How about turning the salad into the…
Ok, here’s what we have: potatoes onions garlic carrots butternut squash radishes bok choi cabbage spinach lettuce salad romanesco Curry recipe from below (Thai Red Curry with Potatoes and Greens),…
Here are a few suggestions for wintertime meals. I haven’t included specific recipes, because I usually wing it on these. It is really pretty easy to look up a few…
Salad! Still lots of greens coming out of the field with this gorgeous fall weather, so I think salads are still on the menu. My suggestion for making them super…
The pie pumpkins are bountiful this year, so I’m trying to think of some fun new ways to use them. Here are a few of my thoughts on the beautiful,…
So many nice veggies this week- you could make a killer lasagna. I never follow a strict recipe when making lasagna. These are the general steps I follow. Make a…
The red pepper crop has been quite nice this season. If you find your crisper drawer overflowing with the red gems and you don’t have a recipe in mind to…
Too many greens? Blanch your chard or spinach in boiling water for 30 seconds, take it out and run it under cold water, squeeze the excess liquid out, put it…
Trim, core and quarter tomatoes then toss them into a ziploc bag and stick in the freezer. If you’d like you can blanch them and peel off the skins first,…
Don’t use that much fresh dill or parsley in your cooking? Find a dry place in your kitchen and hang your bunch upside down to dry. Once it’s dry keep…
Here’s a great way to use them up I made this quickly for lunch the other day and it was delicious. It would be great to freeze some, too. This…
*How about a nice summer pasta salad. Roast in the oven or sauté a huge pan of chopped eggplant, summer squash, fennel, onion, and carrots. Toss with pasta and a…
I’ve also been meaning to make and freeze some loaves of zucchini bread. I’ll put that on my Sunday cooking list as well. I am super bad at eating a…
Pluck the edamame pods from the stem. Rinse them in water to remove any dirt–it tends to stick to the fuzzy pods. Add them to a pot of boiling water,…
*I had dinner with some farmer friends last night and we had a giant platter of grilled hamburgers with blue cheese, grilled zucchini and summer squash thick slices, grilled onions…
Broccoli, scallion, garlic scape, goat cheese pizza- delicious for dinner and I love having the leftovers for a quick lunch or breakfast. We like a thinner crust. There are tons…
When chopping garlic scapes, cut off the top with the bud and discard it. These are are tough and unpleasant to eat. Then just chop the rest of the long,…
Here are some things that I do with my Chinese Cabbage. 1. Make your favorite coleslaw recipe, but substitute Chinese cabbage for your normal green cabbage. 2. Chop it raw…
The grilled cheese is a quick and easy standby that can satisfy even the hungriest farmer girl. Here are my tips on how to make it a little more adult-like…
I know these first few boxes have been heavy on the lettuce and it can start to feel like a chore to get it all eaten. My former intern, Kari,…
Not sure what to do with that huge kohlrabi in your box? If you’ve never prepared a kohlrabi before, here’s how you do it: The outer skin is tough, so…
I have been making refreshing drinks with our rhubarb and I insist that you try it too! Make the rhubarb sauce (see recipe “Rhubarb Sauce” under recipes page) and add…
Too much Rhubarb for right now? Cut your rhubarb into one inch chunks, throw it into a ziploc freezer bag and put it in the freezer. This winter, make some…
Why not make your own salad dressings! When I was an intern on an organic vegetable farm in Washington, a fellow intern of mine introduced me to the amazingly simple…